Effective Teaching Strategies for Dyscalculia and Learning Difficulties in Mathematics. Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience. Marie-Pascale Noel, Giannis Karagiannakis
Kiekviename knygos skyriuje aptariama tam tikra vaikų matematinio raštingumo raidos sritis: skaičiavimas ir skaičių supratimas, aritmetika, žodinių uždavinių sprendimas ir racionaliųjų skaičių supratimas ir kt.
Knygoje pateikiama:
- rekomendacijos specialistams;
- kiekvienos temos literatūros apžvalga ( kaip vystosi kiekvienas procesas, su kokiais sunkumais susiduria kai kurie mokiniai ir kokie intervenciniai tyrimai buvo paskelbti);
- praktinės gairės - kaip įvertinti šiuos procesus ir kaip parengti intervencinę priemonę, kuri padėtų vaikams įvaldyti sunkumus.
Mokslinis leidinys, siūlo gilų supratimą ir veiksmingas strategijas raidos ir ugdymo psichologams, specialiesiems pedagogams bei mokytojams, dirbantiems su vaikais, patiriančiais matematikos mokymosi sunkumų.
Knyga yra anglų kalba.
Effective Teaching Strategies for Dyscalculia and Learning Difficulties in Mathematics provides an essential bridge between scientific research and practical interventions with children. It unpacks what we know about the possible cognitive causation of mathematical difficulties in order to improve teaching and therefore learning.
Each chapter considers a specific domain of children's numerical development: counting and the understanding of numbers, understanding of the base-10 system, arithmetic, word problem solving, and understanding rational numbers. The accessible guidance includes a literature review on each topic, surveying how each process develops in children, the difficulties encountered at that level by some pupils, and the intervention studies that have been published. It guides the reader step-by-step through practical guidelines of how to assess these processes and how to build an intervention to help children master them.
Illustrated throughout with examples of materials used in the effective interventions described, this essential guide offers deep understanding and effective strategies for developmental and educational psychologists, special educational needs and/or disabilities coordinators, and teachers working with children experiencing mathematical difficulties.